Critical Forks in the road of Life

Like I said you need to make smart decisions at critical forks in the road of life. One thing I believe is that if you don't have a way to make a living life is going to be very hard. Not having a Mom or Dad usually means you probably have limited resources to improve your life like college.

I realized a couple of things while in junior high school, this is a time where you begin to discover things. You're no longer a child so you start to think of and do different things. For me it was girls, I met a girl named Louise Fontana, she smoked, play poker like a pro and wore a blue mohair sweater that revealed a hint of breasts. I was mesmerized. The result was my grades began to fall, I played hooky and really didn't care much about how my behavior was going to affect my future.

Then one day when it was getting close to moving onto high school, I realized that I wouldn't make anything of myself if I followed my friends and attended a commercial high school. I always liked science and working on fixing things so I made the life changing decision to attend a technical vocational high school, aside from have to pass a test to get into the school it took over an hour to get there by subway. Another major factor is that it was an all-boys school, so no more female distractions. No one told me to make these changes I just realized on my own that these were the best choices to improve my lot in life.

So, examine what’s going on in your life, ask yourself how you are spending your time and ask yourself if it’s going to improve or diminish your life.


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